Christoph Korn / media works

Eingedenken (2014) | 20 audio images, 20 video views |

Eingedenken (Remembrance)

20 Audio Images, 20 Video Views

Using the 20 texts from “Theses on the Philosophy of History” by Walter Benjamin

Fleeing from the Nazis toward Portugal, many emigrants passed along an escape route stretching over the foothills of the Pyrenees, from the French village Banyuls-sur-Mer to the Spanish city of Portbou.

On the last stage of his escape from the National Socialists, Walter Benjamin, as well, took this route. When he arrived in Portbou, the Spanish authorities refused to let him continue; he took his own life at night between September 26 and 27, 1940.

The artist Christoph Korn also walked this escape route over the Pyrenees. As tools he took along a microphone, a video camera and Walter Benjamin’s text “Theses on the Philosophy of History.”.....

Production: Südwestrundfunk

Dramaturgy/Editing: Manfred Hess

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